
Where We Can Share (redirected from Places to Share Psychology with the Public)

Page history last edited by Bill Altman 8 years, 8 months ago



  • Libraries
  • Kiwanis and other such groups
  • Public school assemblies
    • providing workshops to public school educators
  • PTA nights at schools 
  • Senior citizen groups
  • Employers
  • Social service agencies
  • Public service agencies (police, fire departments...)
  • fraternities and sororities
  • sports teams 
  • religious institutions: churches, synagogues, etc.  for adult education or parenting groups 
  • Continuing education classes for the public at local community centers/schools 
  • coffee shops
  • Local public access television channels (the town I (Bryan Auday) live in has two public educational channels to serve local communities)
  • I've long wanted to partner with the local science museum to have a Psychology Day. Students could demonstrate psychological principles. We would have some lectures on topics of general interest. I would invite high school teachers of psychology to bring their students and have an activity for the teachers so they could get CE credit. Both APA and APS have grant programs that I think would support this effort. The same kind of activity could be done with libraries.
  • Speak at teacher professional development days on relevant topics. This can be college or high school level.
  • American Association of Retired People (AARP)
  • Veterans Groups
  • Youth Groups of Churches & Synagogues 
  • Boy Scout and Girl Scout Meetings & Scout Leadership meeting
  • Local pubs or restaurants
  • Register with speakermatch.com





Comments (2)

Bill Altman said

at 2:28 pm on Feb 15, 2016

It may be useful to note which of us is adding a line, if the line refers to stuff in the first person.

Stephen L. Chew said

at 11:11 pm on Feb 17, 2016

I really think a partnership with a library or science museum would be a great idea to pursue. I've long wanted to do it and there are grant programs that could fund it. Museums and libraries would be open to a program where they only needed to provide space and some advertising. I think there is a real opportunity here. I've also spoken to a number of teacher groups about student learning for professional development. They appreciate good information on topics such as learning, adolescence, resilience and so on. A good place to start would be to contact the education departmetn at your school if you have one. Those faculty usually have contacts in the schools. I've spoken to senior groups and church groups as well. You just need to identify them. I think having some ready made demonstrations and programs for people to use at these kinds of events would be very helpful.

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